Agora – Antigone Exp. N°2

Agora – Antigone Exp. N°2

“Antigone Exp. N°2” was a music-theater combined with AR content.
During the show, there was a livestream with AR Elements, which gave some additional context to the story.

The challenge for this project, was the amount of different the 3D Objects. Besides the common modelling techniques, I used procedural modelling, cloth and crowd simulations.

Used Software: Maya, SideFX Houdini, Unity

Here you can find more informations:


Animation, all 3D Objects


Konzept | Regie | Ausstattung | Dramaturgie AGORA (Benjamin David | Anna Brunnlechner | Valentin Köhler | Jana Beckmann)
Ensemble LUX:NM
Arrangement Markus Syperek
Antigone Lisa Tatin
Kreon Joshua Stewart
Chorleitung Dominique Tille & Charlotte Thibaud-Moussouli | N.N. | Marco Beltrani & Samuel Strub
Chöre Voix de Lausanne | Antigone Projektchor Berlin | pourChoeur
Korrepetition Émilie Roulet
Technische Leitung | Licht Éric Mutel
Kamera Bastien Genoux | Robjan Lacombe
digitale Technik VOGO
Programmierung Luciano Pinna
Animation | 3D Objekte Simon Ott
Produktionsleitung Maxine Devaud (CH) | Regina Stöberl (D)
Produktionsassistenz Noa Mick